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Kingsgate Monarchs Update

Kingsgate 3&4

Updated: Jun 14, 2020

Hi Monarchs!

We are still busy working behind the scenes trying to figure out some way we can keep our swim community together during these times. Coach Candis and Coach Megan are going to try holding a dry land workout next Tuesday June 2 via zoom at 7:00 pm. This 30 workout will be a HIT type workout (think cardio, abs, legs) There will be modifications to the workout for younger kids. But we ask that parents supervise young kids during the workout as we don’t want anyone to hurt themselves. I’ll be sending out the zoom codes as we get closer. We would also love your feedback after. Is this something you would like to see once or twice a week? 

We also would love to get a tshirt designed for us this year. Please get your designs into us by Friday June 5. Click Here to submit

That’s all I have for now. Please start working on some designs and I’ll be sending the zoom codes out for our next Tuesday dryland exercise. 

Go Monarchs!


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